Spanning 3 Decades, Gary's pioneering work has frequently appeared in all the top Astrological journals, including: The Mountain Astrologer, The Astrological Journal, Considerations, The International Astrologer, Geocosmic Journal, Wellbeing Astrology Guide, and Timelords -among others.
Come explore and avail yourself of all this rich experience via Gary's new Substack -The Hermetic Correspondent! (includes Free and Premium content)
Links to some of Gary's bleeding edge work can be found below.
(MANY more available for download via the Memberships page!)
The Cycle of Mars' Retrograde Loops and the Hero/ine's Journey
Image © copyright 2016 Gary P Caton -all rights reserved ®
Some popular Journal articles by Gary:
An Astronomical View of Venus Retrograde
-as published in the April/May 2017 edition of TMA The Mountain Astrologe
Toward a Multi-Dimensional View of Retrograde Motion
-as published in the Winter 2017 edition of Geocosmic Journal
Avian Flu: Pandemic or Paranoia?
-as published in the Spring 2006 edition of Considerations
Saturn's Perihelion 2003: The Year of the Scythe?
-as published in the Dec/Jan '03 issue of TMA (#106)
Some websites with articles by Gary:
Astrology,com - an archive of my blog posts for
The Mountain Astrologer website - an archive of my blog posts for TMA